Bollywood Hindi Action Movie "Mission Azad " (dubbed from Telugu Superhit film "Azad") starring Nagarjuna, Shilpa Shetty, Soundarya, Prakash Raj, Directed by Thirupathi Swami, Produced by Avinash Jumani, music by Mani Sharma.
Mission Azaad is the story of an innocent man named Azaad. Due to the circumstances, he is forced, without his wishes, to proceed on a mission against terrorism. Terrorism is not an ordinary issue where one can plan the strategy of war, spot the enemy and attack the enemy base or make a protective wall against terrorism.
Azaad proceeds on his mission without knowing what the enemy looks likes or where he will find the enemy. He himself changes his image, so no one can recognize his true identity. He has the courage to stand against all odds, sacrifice his happiness and declare his own war against the unknown enemies. Nagarjuna Shines in an robust performance with good action sequences, Shilpa Shetty looks glamourous and sizzling. Prakash Raj and Raghuvaran are as usual outstanding in their roles.
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